If you are intrigued by public affairs, then a political science degree may be for you.
Political science is the systematic study of "who gets what, when, and how." It includes American politics, comparative politics (the study of foreign countries), international relations (interactions between countries and other global actors), political philosophy, public policy, and public administration.
Our students develop a strong foundation in the concepts, theories, and methods in these fields. They apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations through simulations, research with faculty, extra-curricular activities, and supervised internships.
We offer a BA and a minor in political science.
Internships and Career Opportunities

Your full-time political science faculty all hold doctorates in their fields.
More than just award-winning educators, our faculty have real-world experience in public administration and emergency management, military service, consulting, research, and non-profit management. Our research and teaching also crosses disciplines.
Click the video to the right to watch Dr. Tim Casey unveil an innovative new course on technology and empire, which he team-taught with a historian.
Get Involved!
Learning goes far beyond the classroom in our program.
Our students work alongside faculty on the Redifer Institute's research projects.
They're active in CMU's Political Science Club and Pre-law Club.
They grapple with complex policy issues in CMU's Associated Student Government.
They're also members of Pi Sigma Alpha (the honors society for political science), among many other organizations.
Graduates of this major will be able to:
- Critically analyze the theories and concepts relevant to political science (specialized knowledge);
- Defend a political argument using established methods (empirical and normative) in the field of political science (intellectual skills, communication fluency);
- Articulate diverse perspective surrounding a political issue (critical thinking);
- Devise a strategy to promote civic involvement within the broader community for themselves and others (civic engagement)